Its a danger to society. Because one day he mite start up his 100 Horse power engine and BOOM! There goes his stupid wheels. I wouldn't be surprised if this happened, I wouldn't even bother making a police report about it.
Bro go buy a magazine and get some pointers about what not to do to a 4 bangin non power nor torque having thinking a sticker and a spoiler makes you faster car. YOU MAKE ME SICK. You should be whipped for thinking a tercel is cool to fix up... YOUR DUMB.
Oh for gods sake it's a freakin' tercel. Did this person get dropped on their head too many times as a child? Tercel does not = fast or cool. GHEY!!!!!
What the hell!?!?! It looks lioke this thing has a lift kit on it. Guess he hasn't heard about the tried and true ricer lowering method of lopping the springs off.
I just don't get the wing... and the "body kit" and the self mounted fog lights... I can tell they are self mounted because they are crooked. He is obviously serious though.... and I laugh at him.