I always considered a dangling lisence plate to be a sign of a junker car, not an intended or even desireable effect. Funny how ricers seem to think that stuff that looks stupid magicaly gets hip and cool on thier car and thier car alone
I've seen that angled license plate look on truck tailgates for years, but to see it on the trunk lid of a compact car is a rare and truly hilarious occasion.
mommy look its a low rider mommy look! damn kids the back bumper looks like shit with bondo u can see he/she tryed to mold the kit and primer on the windows molds and windows what a fuckin retard! my lil brother can primer better then that shit!
Bumper hell, that thing could double as a park bench for homeless winos to sleep on! Also, why can't these riceboys just stick to molesting Civics and leave the American cars alone.