I dont know about you, but camero's are inports here in america too. I mean after all they are...were built in canada, land of the silent u's. So, in a sense, this car is actually correct. though someone should still beat him over the head with a shoe
This person is a very sick individual. He needs to be d in every way possible and then fed to sharks. God forbid I ever see this car in person, I would have to put it out of its misery.
#9, NEWSFLASH!!! Camaros are imports! North of the 49th - They are imports - i don't care if the Quebec plant closed last year - Chevy and Pontiac (the shared f-body) are both us brands - domestic to you guys - imports for us.
when will you dumb fuxks realize a camaro is a domestic not an import. its ppl like you that drive camaros that think they are imports that make us look bad. get a life get a real car and lose the fuckin l.e.d tips